Product Enquiry
Product name: CS035120H
SKU: CS035120H28
Purity: 18K
Thickness x Width: 0.35mm x 1.2mm
Weight: 0.150gram (per inch)
Ref. Price (HKD): $0
*source: meta.php
( show the attributes in list)
Thickness x Width : 0.35mm x 1.2mm | |
Purity | Weight (per inch) |
18K |
14K |
10K |
9K |
PT950/900 |
Silver |
Purity | 18K0.150g per inch |
Thickness x Width | 0.35mm x 1.2mm0.150g per inch |
Category: Side Car Cost Chain
Product Details
Width 寬度 (mm) | Thickness 線粗 (mm) |
1.2mm | 0.35mm |
成色 / Purity | 重量:( g/inch) |
18K | 0.150 |
14K | 0.131 |
10K | 0.114 |
9K | 0.111 |
PT | 0.197 |
银 | 0.101 |
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