Showing 1–12 of 45 results
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : NL-KXLX40172HC+LCFull Length : 53.5CM Purity Weight (per chain) 18K - 17.040 gram
14K - 14.820 gram
10K - 12.610 gram
9K - 12.610 gram
Silver - 11.540 gram
Purity 18K17.04g per chain Full Length 53.5CM17.04g per chain Categories: Others, New ProductsNL-KXLX40172HB+LC
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : NL-KXLX40172HB+LCFull Length : 53CM Purity Weight (per chain) 18K - 17.870 gram
14K - 15.550 gram
10K - 13.220 gram
9K - 13.220 gram
Silver - 12.100 gram
Purity 18K17.87g per chain Full Length 53CM17.87g per chain Categories: Others, New ProductsNL-KXLX40172HA+LC
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : NL-KXLX40172HA+LCFull Length : 53.5CM Purity Weight (per chain) 18K - 17.570 gram
14K - 15.290 gram
10K - 13.000 gram
9K - 13.000 gram
Silver - 11.900 gram
Purity 18K17.57g per chain Full Length 53.5CM17.57g per chain Categories: Others, New ProductsNL-KXLXH40152+LC
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : NL-KXLXH40152+LCPurity Weight (per item) 18K - 17.380 gram
14K - 15.120 gram
10K - 12.860 gram
9K - 12.860 gram
Silver - 11.770 gram
Purity 18K17.38g per item Categories: Others, New Products4.0mm Lock for jade
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : BC03-40+GZK-4-CYPurity Weight (per bead) 18K - 0.290 gram
14K - 0.250 gram
10K - 0.210 gram
9K - 0.210 gram
Silver - 0.200 gram
Purity 18K0.29g per bead Category: Others2.5mm Lock for jade
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : BC03-25+GZK-3-CYPurity Weight (per bead) 18K - 0.170 gram
14K - 0.150 gram
10K - 0.130 gram
9K - 0.130 gram
Silver - 0.120 gram
Purity 18K0.17g per bead Category: Others手鏈 Bracelet
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : BR-SZ040H35+KXZ+D212Full Length : 6.5″ inch Prong Size : RD 0.90mm(0.004ct) 22pc Purity Weight (per chain) 18K - 8.420 gram
14K - 7.330 gram
10K - 6.230 gram
9K - 6.230 gram
Silver - 5.700 gram
Purity 18K8.42g per chain Full Length 6.5″ inch8.42g per chain Prong Size RD 0.90mm(0.004ct) 22pc8.42g per chain Category: Others6mm 3-row Watch chain bracelet
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : BR-SBL02560-3Full Length : 17cm Purity Weight (per chain) 18K - 8.050 gram
14K - 7.000 gram
10K - 5.960 gram
9K - 5.960 gram
PT950/900 - 10.570 gram
Silver - 5.450 gram
Purity 18K8.05g per chain Full Length 17cm8.05g per chain Category: OthersKXMTZ10055
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : KXMTZ10055Width x Length : 5.50mmx10mm Purity Weight (per inch) 18K - 1.330 gram
14K - 1.160 gram
10K - 0.984 gram
9K - 0.984 gram
PT950/900 - 1.746 gram
Silver - 0.901 gram
Purity 18K1.33g per inch Width x Length 5.50mmx10mm1.33g per inch Category: OthersBLKXSX170946
*source: meta.php( show the attributes in list)SKU : BLKXSZ170946